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INLAB: Public Workshops

Your next sales pitch, project presentation, proposal - internal or external - strategy presentation or formal report all share one common element: they have to captivate the audience to drive results.


Join a small group of executives to test your presentations, garner expert feedback from the Coach as well as from participants. Your presentations will be thoroughly analyzed, including the structure of your message, your visual approach as well as your verbal/non-verbal communication style.


INLAB provides the ideal environment

as a testing-ground for a quick

assessment of your next

presentation, or for sustained

presentation and speaking skills

training in a very nurturing yet

stimulating environment.


INLAB will give you the right tools and insight

to become a powerful communicator who will inform, influence and inspire every time you present in front

of an audience.


INLAB is an empowering platform for executives where you can develop, fine-tune and enrich your presentations in full confidence through professional one-on-one and group coaching under the guidance of Nabil Doss, renowned professional speaker and INfluential Communication expert.

Supercharge your next speech and increase your influence as a front-line leader!

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